What Does Viva La Raza Mean?

I am a new fan of wrestling. And I know that this entertainment sport has been around since I was a kid. Wanting to know some history, I asked a friend how I can do this. He suggested that I first watch Viva La Raza: The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero to be acquainted of the beautiful art of wrestling and at the same time, learn one of wrestling's legendary figures, Eddie Guerrero.

That prompted me to ask, what does Viva La Raza mean? I searched that online and it was easy to learn that Viva La Raza means Long Live the Race. Eddie often says this because he is proud of his heritage as a Mexican. Very admirable of his character I should say.

Anyway, I shall continue to do more research about the history of wrestling and hope that someday, I can be there in the US to watch those WWE matches live. I think that would really be awesome.